Re: @else in Media Queries

On 09/06/2016 22:58, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.  As the spec lays out
> clearly in both definition and examples, @else is relative to the
> *preceding* conditional rule, not an *enclosing* one.  Any enclosing
> conditional is irrelevant here.

The whole things starts smelling like the worst of hacks in CSS. So an
editor removing one rule (the @media one) will have to carefully look
if there is an @else after it. To do what? Remove it? Explode it?
Keep it standalone (what does it even mean in that case...)?

> It sounds like @media itself is a blocker on those editors for some
> reason.  @else doesn't seem to make the situation any worse.

When was the last time you implemented a Wysiwyg editor dealing with
media queries and why don't you listen? Can you please for once accept
what others are saying when you have no knowledge of that domain?


Received on Friday, 10 June 2016 05:35:15 UTC