- From: Darby Manning <darby@creativelittledots.co.uk>
- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 07:46:42 +0000
- To: www-style@w3.org
- Message-ID: <F56D0E94-B316-45B1-A25D-13416C61B39A@creativelittledots.co.uk>
I think this is a really great concept, I’d love to implement this on upcoming projects. Darby Manning Creative Little Director Email: darby@creativelittledots.co.uk <mailto:darby@creativelittledots.co.uk> Mobile: 07788 268 646 Phone: 01483 452 752 / Office Hours 9.30am - 5.30pm Address: 21-22 Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford, GU1 1BA <http://goo.gl/4zs1tr> <http://goo.gl/wd4foK> <http://goo.gl/DuQFlM> <http://goo.gl/5hBWGz> <http://goo.gl/PQ63pS> <http://goo.gl/r40zNQ> This email & any attachment is intended for the named contact(s), or any person authorised to receive it on their behalf so should be treated as confidential. The recipient may not disclose this message or any attachment to anyone else without authorisation, doing so may be unlawful. If this email is received in error please notify the sender urgently & delete this message from your system. Any view expressed by the sender of this message or any attachment may be personal & may not represent the view held by Creative Little Dots. All emails to & from Creative Little Dots are recorded, may be monitored & scanned for viruses, we accept no liability for viruses or other material introduced with this message. Creative Little Dots Ltd | Companies House Reg: 9066408 | Vat Registration: 188664940
Received on Friday, 8 July 2016 12:03:26 UTC