Re: [css-scroll-snap][css-snappoints] snapping to unreachable snap points

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 4:07 AM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:
> I agree with it for the same reasons I agreed to what we resolved in the last teleconf, including the fact that it says MUST. However, I think ambiguous wording makes it ineffective: this clause can be ignored simply by considering any unreachable position as not being "the most appropriate".

The spec intentionally doesn't mandate the selection algorithm for
snap points.  However, there's nothing in the spec that suggests the
UA should automatically ignore any snappoints that go out of bounds,
while there *is* text that suggests an out-of-bounds snappoints is
valid to snap to.  A browser that chose to auto-ignore out-of-bounds
snappoints would be doing something a bit weird, and likely contrary
to user expectations (after all, being friendly to user expectations
is why we wrote that text!).


Received on Monday, 25 January 2016 19:29:50 UTC