Re: [css-ruby][css-text-decor] Text-decoration on ruby

On 02/07/2015 04:08 AM, fantasai wrote:
> On 02/05/2015 02:09 AM, Xidorn Quan wrote:
>> It is not clear how text decorations should be rendered on ruby elements, or more specifically, what should happen on sides of
>> short base text with long annotation?
>> For example, if we have content like:
>> <ruby>base 1<rt>a very very very long annotation</rt>base 2<rt>another very very very long annotation</rt></ruby>
>> then we specify "text-decoration: underline" to <ruby> or some of its inline ancestors. What should happen? Currently, WebKit
>> and Blink and Trident won't draw the underline in the gap between the bases, and between text preceding/following and the
>> ruby, while Gecko will draw lines in those places. More precisely, Gecko currently extends the decoration lines to the
>> boundary of each box, other impls don't do that.
>> It seems to me that our (Gecko) impl makes more sense if the ruby is part of a sentence, while other impls make more sense
>> when ruby is put alone as a single word.
>> This problem becomes more complicated when considering the different values of ruby-align. I guess users of "center" and
>> "start" probably don't want to extend the lines to the boundary of boxes.
>> Any idea?
> I'd say, follow the same rules as we have for text decoration on padding and margin.

This has been edited into fwiw.
Apparently on the same day I sent that message. :p

Let me know if it needs further work or if you disagree with the text.


Received on Thursday, 22 December 2016 20:54:13 UTC