Re: heading styles on

2016-08-31 15:15 GMT-04:00 Felix Miata <>:
> example page:
> screenshot of it:
> It doesn't look like a lot of thought was put into the styles for H2, H3 or
> H4. The green is awfully pale for such small text, especially out of place
> as a "heading". Headings smaller than following content don't happen in
> books. Why on a page belonging to the ostensible standards-setter, example
> provider?

Actually, fwiw, I believe headings set smaller than body text do
appear in books. However, such headings are usually set all caps.
Perhaps that was what was originally done, but the all caps was later
removed to "improve legibility"?

I think another problem is the assumption that 0.9em will actually do
something. On some setups the base font size will not go under 1rem if
I'm correct.

Ambrose Li // /
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Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2016 19:48:12 UTC