- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2016 21:28:03 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Resolved Value of Logical Properties ------------------------------------ - RESOLVED: Add text to CSS OM and to Logical Properties as proposed (logical properties take their CSS OM behaviors from their physical equivalents) Add <number-optional-number> type --------------------------------- - Rossen requested a week to review. user-select: none and selectionchange event ------------------------------------------- - Florian will reach out to the editing task force for feedback. Ambiguities in handling url() ----------------------------- - This topic was deferred to TPAC. Algorithm of `Element.offsetParent` ----------------------------------- - This topic was deferred to next week. Segment Break Transformation Rules for East Asian Width property of A --------------------------------------------------------------------- - astearns will reach out to the Internationalization group for feedback. Value is used value? -------------------- - Florian will investigate having two user-select properties, one of which is a shorthand for the other. If that seems to work he'll also investigate if there's a reason to expose the longhands to the author. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ======= Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2016Aug/0066.html Present: Rachel Andrew Rossen Atanassov Tab Atkins David Baron Bert Bos Dave Cramer Alex Critchfield Simon Fraser Daniel Glazman Tony Graham Koji Ishii Brian Kardell Ian Kilpatrick Peter Linss Thierry Michel Michael Miller Anton Prowse François Remy Florian Rivoal Geoffrey Sneddon Jen Simmons Alan Stearns Liam Quin Greg Whitworth Regrets: Tantek Çelik Dael Jackson Myles Maxfield Scribe: Liam Resolved Value of Logical Properties ------------------------------------ astearns: Extra item: weekly reminder to add things to the TPAC agenda, and register etc <astearns> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/384 fantasai: Do we use return the used value or the computed value? My suggestion would be to keep it equal to the physical, as if they are aliases to the same property * glazou tends to agree with fantasai Rossen: When you have e.g. vertical direction, what would you return for width vs logical property? fantasai: For width, if it was specified in percent you'd return it in pixels. The question is what do you do for getcomputedStyles for the block size/inline property, in pixels or computed value? And I'm arguing it should behave the same, the used or the computed value as determined by its physical equivalent. <Florian> +1 Rossen, OK, agreed astearns: Is this going to go into CSS OM spec? or gets added to properties? fantasai: I think a blanket statement in the CSS OM. Rossen: Perhaps we can add something to the CSS logical properties spec. plinss: Are there any examples of properties that would flip, width vs height based on block direction for example? fantasai: No, I don't think so. plinss: The only difference I care about is if you're returning the used vs computed value, and wondering if that's going to change based on which physical property the logical one will resolve to. [but sounds like this is not the case] RESOLVED: Add text to CSS OM and to Logical Properties as proposed (logical properties take their CSS OM behaviors from their physical equivalents) Add <number-optional-number> type --------------------------------- <astearns> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/385 fantasai: [introduces the issue] e.g SVG has a lot of lists that continues, we could add a multiplier # <TabAtkins> Basically, for a *pair* with optional commas, do: <one> ,? <two> <TabAtkins> For a list with optional commas, do: <item>+# <TabAtkins> This is not something we'll ever do for CSS itself; this is just translating some legacy SVG syntaxes to CSS properties. astearns: If what people want to express is already expressible in the grammar I'm not sure adding more is here we want to go. fantasai: [missed] proposal is to add +# fantasai: In order to be able to express some SVG syntaxes that we do not propose to use for anything new. Rossen: Is this request from the SVG WG? astearns: Yes, filter effects module started the issue; nikos in favor of adding it. Rossen: I'd want to go back [and review this request in more detail] and see if it's worth the complexity. Rossen: Don't think it's pressing Rossen: can we move it to next week? [fantasai, Tab, Ok with this] user-select: none and selectionchange event ------------------------------------------- <astearns> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/319 Florian: What happens if you click in a user-select: none area and there's already selection? What if you drag there? Varies between UAs today. Florian: You don't get an event in Firefox and do in Edge and Safari. <dbaron> The behavior of unselecting on click seems to make more sense to me. <dbaron> (Was that Edge and Safari?) glazou: I suggest we normalize the behaviors; I tend to think the Firefox behavior is best in this case. Florian: No strong feelings, but don't disagree. dbaron: I often click somewhere else to unselect things. Florian: If you select text and then click the title bar you do not unselect dbaron: The title bar isn't part of the page, try the margin [I see select-none used on body to try and prevent copying of the text] <dbaron> I also couldn't hear the middle of what glazou said astearns: Does user-select: none means I'm not going to interact with the selection? If so I expect the deselect behavior. glazou: Could be a database value that the user can't change; don't want to change the selection if you click it by mistake. Florian: Let's say you are making a mail field with to, cc, etc., but the cc label are UI elements and these tend not to be selectable and when you click them they don't change the selection. Florian: If you try to mimic this as a web app you'll probably want the same behavior. smfr: I think Chrome, Safari, etc. are emulating behavior on a mac, if you click on an unselectable it doesn't remove the selection but drag does, it's for compat with native code. <dbaron> I think Florian's comment about them being UI elements was reasonably convincing Rossen: Has anyone tried reaching out to the editing wg? Florian: I could. Rossen: It seems we're trying to define editing behavior in CSS while the editing group is trying to deal with these scenarios. Florian: I'm hearing we need more input, but we do want interop. Florian: I will take this to the editing wg. [question about chrome performance not minutes] astearns: I heard smfr mention Mac native behavior astearns: but that's only native on one platform, astearns: Chrome also tries to match native behavior on each platform, so if mac and windows differ we may want something different. Rossen: I think Mac and Windows are here but need to check. ACTION: Florian to get back to editing tf and do research on https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/319 <trackbot> Created ACTION-787 Ambiguities in handling url() ----------------------------- <astearns> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/383 <fantasai> I thought we're deferring url() ambiguities to TPAC * fantasai is no longer able to speak up, sorry <fantasai> yeah, TPAC [moved to TPAC] Algorithm of `Element.offsetParent` ----------------------------------- <astearns> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/409 smfr: Any changes here has compat risks but we may be willing to change it and see what happens. Rossen: In our case I'm pretty sure we do say containing block but I haven't looked recently. Rossen: So I'm not quite ready about this issue. <bkardell> +1 to next week [deferred to next week] Segment Break Transformation Rules for East Asian Width property of A --------------------------------------------------------------------- <astearns> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/337 <fantasai> This probably needs i18n input <fantasai> The issue is that punctuation is shared <fantasai> and we currently assume EAW ambiguous punctuation is narrow (non-CJK) <fantasai> when deciding whether to transform newlines to space or nothing <fantasai> An earlier draft looked through punctuation to the first non-punctuation character astearns: I'll ping Richard about getting an [i18n] opinion on this one <fantasai> And the algorithm was simplified. So now we have a problem. <fantasai> One way to deal with the issue would be to just pick a behavior here; other way is to look through punctuation to non-punctuation character (limiting to 3 chars, probably). <fantasai> i18n would need to advise on the first approach; csswg on the second. <fantasai> So I guess that's a question for the csswg -- which approach to take Value is used value? -------------------- <astearns> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/336 Florian: User select is not inherited but auto sort of does Florian: Microsoft prefers to keep it at computed value time but Blink doesn't. So proposal is to split user-select into two values. Florian: New is user-select-contain: none | contain and is not inherited; other would be user-select: text | all | none and inherited [question about user-select unprefixed from fremy] Florian: Unprefixed is implemented but I think common in the wild. Florian: We would have a shorthand and longhand where one was inherited and the other not, which is unusual. gregwhitworth: Where did all the other values came from? Seems like majority of implementations have text and none. gregwhitworth: I feel like we're overcomplicating this. gregwhitworth: Why didn't we match what MS already implemented? Florian: [mentions ugly historical artifact] Florian: It's close to the MS behavior now gregwhitworth: Microsoft's position was we didn't want to change any code but that's the way we're starting to lean. koji: For blink our storage system doesn't have a mechanism to have inherited and non-inherited values in a single property koji: so we'd have to store this for all boxes. koji: So this will add cost to every single document even if it's not used. Florian: I think there was a similar answer from gecko. gregwhitworth: If the end user scenario is achieved by our implementation astearns: Are there other instances with non-inheriting and inheriting values? Florian: Technically it's not inheritance. Florian: The difference between inherit/not doesn't really matter without the contain value. dbaron: It does matter if you look at the computed value. Florian: The OM was never implemented for this property in Gecko I think. <dbaron> pretty sure Gecko implements getComputedStyle for all properties that we implement Rossen: Ignoring implementation complexity, what makes the most sense from user perspective? Florian: I'm biased :) but I think the current spec is more intuitive, and proposal lets you express the same thing, with 2 properties rather than one. Some of the new combos are the same some not, Florian: which makes me lean to the current spec as being slightly more intuitive. koji: I believe we could make 2 properties as Florian said. Scribe: TabAtkins astearns: I like the approach of taking this from an author perspective - what's easier for an author? astearns: I tend to agree with Florian that a single property seems easier. astearns: The complexity just for simplifying how we compute "auto", if it's not also giving authors something, seems unneeded to me. koji: Sounds like we can come up with designs with two properties, but one shorthand, that make implementation simpler and not affect author usability? Florian: If we can do that, in practice the implementation difficulty you're facing, you can solve it by having the current property be the shorthand, and the longhand be an internal property, not exposed to the author. Florian: That sounds like an action on me to see if the shorthand/longhand combo can exist, and if it can, if there's a reason to expose the longhands to the author? Or is this not where we're headed? astearns: Sounds promising to me. * fantasai notes that we're adding an inherited/non-inherited longhand combo to the 'fill' and 'stroke' properties Rossen: I'll find you someone who worked on this on our end, I think that's Matt Rakow. Might want to reach out to him, he worked extensively on this a few years ago. Florian: Ok, do you recall if it was easy on your end or if it was difficult? Rossen: I recall spending several hours on this, but it was doable. astearns: I'd also suggest getting some author feedback. astearns: See if we can discern a preference. Florian: Probably need to bikeshed it a bit more first; having one with settled names and one with draft names isn't a fair question. ACTION Florian to continue with the shorthand/longhand idea for user-select <trackbot> Created ACTION-788 <Bert> Please, remind your AC reps of https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/css-2016/ Bert: 1 week left to review the charter astearns: Comment period until the 2nd of September.
Received on Thursday, 25 August 2016 01:29:03 UTC