[cssom-view][css-writing-modes] Behavior of scrollLeft in RTL or vertical-rl mode


I'm going to fix a scrolling issue for RTL mode in Gecko, whose
solution may depend on the behavior of scrollLeft. Thus I hope to
confirm with the working group about the behavior first.

It seems that, for scrolling within RTL or vertical-rl
element/document, the behavior significantly varies across impls. I
made a page to test the behavior, and also listed the result I saw
there. [1]

As shown in the table in that page, in all cases with RTL or
vertical-rl, Gecko returns 0 for scrollLeft when the scrollbar stops
at the rightmost, and returns negative values otherwise. It seems to
me that this behavior matches what the CSSOM View spec says [2], but
doesn't currently match any other impl.

However, since I'm not quite familiar with that spec, and the wording
looks obscure to me, if anyone can confirm that behavior, that would
really help.

[1] https://people.mozilla.org/~xquan/scrollleft.html
[2] https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#dom-element-scrollleft


- Xidorn

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 06:56:16 UTC