Re: Proposal: CSS WG / WebApps Joint Meeting for Shadow DOM Styling

On 9/28/15, 4:49 PM, " on behalf of Ryosuke Niwa" <> wrote:

>Attending the recent meeting for shadow DOM styling [1] convinced me to join CSS WG, and further that we need a joint meeting between CSS WG and WebApps WG on this topic during TPAC to iron out the details.
>Can we have a joint meeting (of one or two hours) on Monday (10/26) or Tuesday (10/27) for this?

>- R. Niwa

Chaals, Art,

Do you have a time preference for this? We’ve got one vote for Tuesday afternoon, but I think Monday afternoon could work as well.

I see that the WebApps WG has a larger person-estimate on the schedule page - if that translates to a larger room, the CSSWG people could troop over to you. Or we could host interested people in the CSSWG room. What do you think?


We now have “Shadow DOM Styling” on the CSSWG agenda for TPAC [1]. It would help if you could add more detail on the particular issues you’d like ironed out.




Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 15:20:23 UTC