Re: [css-transforms] 'transform-box' defaults in svg

On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 12:27 PM, Erik Dahlström <erik@dahlströ> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was reviewing the 'transform-box' section in the css transforms spec,
> The initial value of 'transform-box' is 'border-box', which is fine.
> However, the spec continues to state that:
> "For SVG elements without an associated CSS layout box, the used value for
> border-box is view-box."
> It seems to me that a used value of 'fill-box' in this case would lead to
> more easily understood behavior than 'view-box'. So, I'd like to know what
> the rationale behind the current choice is.
> An example,

Note that 'fill-box' isn't the correct analogue for border-box, stroke-box is.


Received on Monday, 28 September 2015 23:29:08 UTC