Re: i18n-ISSUE-362: [css-counter-styles] In the document language

Martin J. Dürst scripsit:

> I think I'd go for cardinal in example 1, but ordinal in example 2,
> especially in there respective German equivalents. 

I'm wondering if the fact that "1." in running text is the standard way
of writing "erste" is influencing you.  How about this?

Recipe for a cake (very simple):
(1) Stir the butter until soft
(2) Add sugar and stir until absorbed by butter
(3) Add eggs and stir until mass turns lighter in color
(4) Add flower and stir slowly until absorbed

John Cowan
One of the oil men in heaven started a rumor of a gusher down in hell.  All
the other oil men left in a hurry for hell.  As he gets to thinking about
the rumor he had started he says to himself there might be something in
it after all.  So he leaves for hell in a hurry.    --Carl Sandburg

Received on Friday, 25 September 2015 14:33:30 UTC