RE: [css-2015] Snapshot prose, prefixing policy updated

Ok, so I sent the updated terminology around and here is the feedback I received.

1. We want to reiterate that this should be solved by the TAG and not the CSSWG, but we also recognize the desire the CSSWG has to have something in writing that supersedes the previous recommendation of prefixes being the best answer for experimental features on the web. That said, we do desire that when/if the TAG does create language that address this that we use that terminology in place of this (additionally, we should work with the TAG in ensuring that the CSSWG needs are met by that terminology). Travis Leithead said that he would bring it up at the next TAG offsite and has opened an issue on it[1].

2. Please change the following:

       # 3.3.3 Proprietary and Non-standardized Features
       # Example 2
       # For example, Win8 Metro apps...


      "Microsoft, Apple, and Mozilla, among others, have utilized extensions to standardized APIs implemented by their respective UAs that do so without allowing web content to access these features. Because of this, it alleviates the opportunity for such content to become dependent on their proprietary extensions."

3. Please change the following:

    # 3.3.2 Market Pressure and De Facto Standards
    # If at least three...

    If I'm not mistaken our CR Exit Criteria is only 2 and we also believe that it would only take two browsers (depending on the share maybe even one) implementing something that becomes heavily utilized by authors to become a de facto standard which should give other UAs the blessing of the CSSWG to implement for web compat. Due to this, we suggest changing this to:

    If at least two...

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!!


Received on Thursday, 10 September 2015 21:17:39 UTC