[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-09-09 [css-flexbox] [css-grid] [css-2015] [css-break]


  - RESOLVED: Accept the change for behavior of cloned margins at
  - RESOLVED: Publish Fragmentation as CR.

Prefixing Policy

  - fantasai will clarify the meaning of prefixing in sections 3.3.2
      and 3.3.3
  - Microsoft and Apple will send it around to interested parties
      asking for input for next week's call.

Accessibility Requirements on Authoring Tools

  - RESOLVED: Accept the new wording (available here:
              pending bcampbell's feedback.

Baselines of Flex and Grid Containers

  - RESOLVED: No change for baselines and flex and grid containers.

Reverting '0' -> '0%' Change

  - RESOLVED: Make the change and note in the spec there's a chance
              there might be a webcompat issue.

Simplification of auto-repeat

  - RESOLVED: Simplify spec. Leave issue open asking for use cases,
              and switch back if needed. Turn the issue into a note
              at CR saying a future level might expand.

Drop Group Snapping from Level 1

  - The snapping conversation will wait until there is more
      representation from Apple.


  - RESOLVED: Republish Grid with the changes discussed above.
  - Everyone was tasked with reviewing Grid so that the authors can
      stay on target to publish CR during TPAC.

Transforms, Transitions, and Animations

  - glazou urged progress on these three very visible specs and will
      also be reviewing the rest of the specs before TPAC to make
      sure that nothing has stalled progress.

Japanese Industry Meeting

  - Though official confirmation is pending, the meeting will likely
      occur on the Sunday before TPAC.


  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Bert Bos
  Bo Campbell
  Tantek Çelik
  Alex Critchfield
  Dave Cramer
  Elika Etemad
  Daniel Glazman
  Dael Jackson
  Brian Kardell
  Brad Kemper
  Chris Lilley
  Peter Linss
  Michael Miller
  Anton Prowse
  Matt Rakow
  Florian Rivoal
  Hyojin Song
  Alan Stearns
  Greg Whitworth

  Simon Fraser
  Lea Verou
  Steve Zilles

  scribe: dael

  glazou: Let's start
  glazou: I noticed two extra items outside what's in the agenda.
          First was a request from fantasai to transition CSS Break
          to CR. Sorry, three items. Second was prefixing policy.
  glazou: fantasai, how much time do you need for Fragmentation?
  fantasai: Not much.
  glazou: So since it's publication let's start there.


  fantasai: Let me grab to DoC
  <glazou> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-break-3/issues-lc-2015
  fantasai: I also sent an e-mail. Let me get that URL. That
  <glazou> http://www.w3.org/mid/55E7486C.9050004@inkedblade.net
  fantasai: We have a DoC. Chris wants it formatted differently, but
            hasn't said exactly how. The changes list is minimal.
  ChrisL: The specific thing I would like, but won't object if you
          don't do it, is to more clearly show if the commenter has
          accepted the working group's resolution of their issue.
          You asked me for a good one, but I couldn't find a recent
          on. I have to explain them and it adds time to the
          transition process.
  ChrisL: If you don't have it or it's not easy that's okay.
  ChrisL: So basically you have one color for if the WG agrees and
          have a different color for if the commenter has agreed
          with the resolution. Maybe a border.
  fantasai: I can make that happen. Most of them were accepted and
            the commenter didn't respond. I can go around and try
            and accumulate responses, but I just agreed with
            everything or deferred.
  ChrisL: I agree it's not always easy to get a commenter to
          respond, if we already did what they asked.

  fantasai: There was follow-up to the NY resolution we discussed
            but didn't conclude formally so I'd like a resolution or
            that people don't care. People wanted to look at it more.
  fantasai: If they haven't looked, we can delay another week while
            people look.
  fantasai: I don't know. The chairs are responsible to make sure we
            have a resolution for the things in the e-mail.

  glazou: So...
  Florian: Who wanted extra time and how do they feel about it now?
  glazou: Nobody apparently.
  fantasai: Florian
  Florian: Oh, it was me?
  Florian: Has the thing happened? I said I was okay with the prose,
           but wanted to see examples. Have they been put up?
  fantasai: No, they haven't.

  fantasai: The issue is I have a box with borders and margin and
            padding and it has box-decoration-break. Inside, several
            levels deep, there's a heading that forces a break.
            Should there be a margin at the top of the page due to
            the cloning of the outer box.
  Florian: I remember the discussion. It still makes sense to me. If
           it's just me don't block. I wasn't sure which way to go
           because there wasn't a use case to help me decide. The
           argument made sense in general. If it's just me, go ahead.

  glazou: Objections to the proposed change?
  glazou: [reads minutes] It sounds like consensus but we were
          waiting on a final decision.

  RESOLVED: Accept the change for behavior of cloned margins at

  glazou: Anything else?
  fantasai: That's it.
  fantasai: We need a resolution for CR
  glazou: Transition request and edits and everything, yeah. We need
          a resolution. Everyone okay with moving the document to CR?

  RESOLVED: Publish Fragmentation as CR

  glazou: Who will handle it?
  fantasai: Probably me.
  glazou: Thank you.
  * fantasai needs to make the DoC more colorful, then will hand
             over to ChrisL

Prefixing Policy

  <glazou> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-2015/#experimental
  glazou: I reviewed it and I have a few comments as a regular
  glazou: In section 3.3.1 you don't mention prefixing, but it is in
          3.3.2 and 3.3.3 but it doesn't say what prefixing is.
  glazou: I didn't understand the difference in prefixing between
          the other sections and this one. Overall I think it's good

  fantasai: I can take an action for those clarifications.
  ACTION fantasai make clarifications of what prefixing is in 3.3.2
         and 3.3.3
  <trackbot> Created ACTION-721

  glazou: Any other comments on that section?
  fantasai: I think Microsoft and Apple wanted to take it back for
            review. If they need more time we need to give it.
  gregwhitworth: I'll send it around. Most of the stuff we had
                 concerns on we had addressed, but I'll send it
                 around and say I need it for next week.
  glazou: I'm not sure we have anyone from Apple, but can you drop a
          message to smfr to do the same?
  fantasai: I can.

Accessibility Requirements on Authoring Tools

  <glazou> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Aug/0348.html
  fantasai: I had an action to come up with the wording. I sent it
            to the list. If people are happy with it we can add it
            to grid and flexbox.
  bcampbell: I like the wording and I'd like to run it by a couple
             people. I can do that really quickly and get back on
  glazou: Can it wait for bcampbell?
  fantasai: Yes, but I'd like to hear from the rest of the group. If
            everyone else is okay we can maybe do a resolution
            pending bcampbell's feedback.
  glazou: I have no problem with the wording.
  Florian: I agree with the intent and the wording.
  dauwhe: I like the wording.
  TabAtkins: I'm fine with the wording.
  Rossen: I LOVE the wording.

  glazou: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Accept the new wording pending bcampbell's feedback.

  bkardell: There were some related discussions on the mailing list
            about the a11y.
  bkardell: Effectively I guess...do we need to strongly push the
            same sort of understanding to authors that we're pushing
            to the tooling? Even just today Mozilla Hacks posted an
            article saying that the order of content in HTML markup
            isn't important anymore.
  bkardell: Everyone I've spoken to said that there is an impression
            and their want/desire, but it isn't true.
  fantasai: We've done as much as we can in the spec to emphasize to
            authors. This is for authoring tools. We have warnings
            to authors in every section. I think what people have an
            impression of depends on who you're talking to. The
            authors that speak at conferences understand it's so you
            can give the source order in a logical manner.
  fantasai: The problem is the people writing tutorials and articles
            on 'order' aren't viewing it as important. I think we
            can do some evangelizing on that. I don't see how much
            else we can do in the spec.
  bkardell: Yes. And make sure all the examples demonstrate good
            source order and call it out in the examples.
  fantasai: If you see anywhere we need to call it out more, please
            let us know, but I think in all the cases where we used
            order we explained it. If you find specific places where
            we forgot, please send us feedback on that.
  glazou: Okay. We have a resolution. We can move on.

  <fantasai> bkardell, send me a link to the Mozilla Hacks article?
  <bkardell> moz hacks article

Baselines of Flex and Grid Containers

  <glazou> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Aug/0345.html
  fantasai: This was an issue of what do we do to find the baseline
            of a flex container. If you have a flex container that
            has stuff inside it and that itself is being baseline-
            aligned because it's in a table cell or whatever, it
            needs to have a position that is its baseline.
  fantasai: The rule we have now is if some of the items are
            baseline-aligned, we use that. If none of them do, we
            take the baseline of the first item. If that doesn't
            have any text we synthesize a baseline by taking the
            bottom of the content box. timeless pointed out that
            instead of taking the first item and giving up, why not
            keep looking for an item with text and use that and only
            give up and synthesize when none have text.
  fantasai: I don't have a strong opinion. Just using the first item
            is probably slightly easier to implement. The other is
            slightly more logical. I'd like to hear from the group
            what they'd like to do. It's all summarized in the

  glazou: Opinions?
  dbaron: If an author wants an item to be the baseline, they can
          baseline-align that so it doesn't seem worth the
          complexity in the defaults.
  fantasai: Anybody else with an opinion? If not we'll no change.

  Rossen: The proposal is no change?
  fantasai: We're proposing no change. timeless is proposing a
  Rossen: I'm for no change.
  glazou: Other opinions?
  glazou: It's hard to declare consensus with one opinion.
  <TabAtkins> I'm fine with no change.
  fantasai: Everyone that has spoken is for no change.
  glazou: Objections to no change?

  RESOLVED: no change for baselines and flex and grid containers

Reverting '0' -> '0%' Change

  fantasai: In the distant past we took Flexbox to CR and got a
            comment from dholbert where if you have a column-flex
            container and the container is auto-height it can become
            0 which isn't useful. We changed how the keyword works
            where instead of that having a flex-basis of 0 we
            changed it to 0% because it gets treated as auto when in
            a box with unconstrained dimensions.
  fantasai: There's another section that defined intrinsic sizes of
            flex containers, though, and it handles this better. You
            do the max-content size calculation and that preserves
            the height. So this is taken care of in a way that makes
            sense so we should revert the change for how we expand
            the shorthand.
  fantasai: What would change are the use cases where someone set
            flex: 1 or flex: 3 or some integer and hasn't done
            flex-basis in an auto-height flex container. I believe
            that was broken in some earlier implementations so in
            those cases it wouldn't have been useful.
  fantasai: Also with the 0% change it gives you the same results as
            if you had specified auto or not put anything. So it
            seems unlikely authors would have done this
            intentionally. So switching back won't cause compat
            concern, but it will get us better behavior going
  fantasai: It allows for a useful behavior that authors might want
            which is I want all the items of equal height but at
            least tall enough to contain the tallest item which is
            the behavior from the intrinsic sizing rule.
  fantasai: I discussed this with TabAtkins and Rossen and we think
            this is the right change to make. But this is
            substantial so I want to hear if the rest of the group
            is okay. Christian Biesinger has concerns that this
            might cause web compat if authors are using the behavior.
            I haven't measured that, but it's unlikely they're using
            this in this context since it's not significantly
            different than the auto behavior.
  <fantasai> The situation that triggers this is *column* flex
             container with auto height, flex items with
             'flex: <integer>' as a declaration

  glazou: Opinions?
  <TabAtkins> I can no longer reason about it, but when I did have
              this loaded into my head, I agreed with it.
  <dbaron> Which implementation is willing to make the change first?
  Rossen: This is one of those things that's going to be hard to
          measure based on querying web content. We can see if
          people are using it as specified values. My guess is
          people aren't. I want to echo fantasai's summary that it
          was a terrible hack and now we have a better way to do it
          so there's no reason to keep the hack.
  Rossen: Any tools currently using it will change as soon as the
          implementation changes.

  Rossen: To dbaron's question as to which implementor will go
          first, whomever is shipping the soonest.
  Florian: So you don't have an issue with being first if releases
           happen that way?
  Rossen: If we have a shipping vehicle where we can put it out
          there soon, we don't mind.
  Rossen: There's usually other implementors that ship quicker than
          we do, so we'll see who beats us to the punch.
  Florian: But you're not waiting for someone to get to market.
  dbaron: I'm inclined to think we should wait until someone else
          does it first.
  Rossen: At the least we can do a crawl with a modified version of
          our platform and see if any breakage comes back.
  Florian: TabAtkins since you're in favor and ship frequently, is
           there a chance you'd be testing how well this goes?
  TabAtkins: We'd be willing to test it.

  glazou: Do I hear correctly we want to wait until an
          implementation ships?
  Florian: I think the 'we' was Mozilla.
  Rossen: Why do they want to wait?
  Florian: Concerns on webcompat. I heard that we're willing to
           resolve, but they want to wait to make the change until
           someone else does.
  Rossen: I think this was something we added in Sophia last year.
          Given that implementations have only done this for fairly
          short period of time, do we really believe that there will
          be that big of a compat hit?
  fantasai: If we agree this is right, our only concern is
            webcompat, we should resolve to make the change and note
            in the spec there's a chance there might be a webcompat
  fantasai: This gives implementers the go ahead to make the change,
            and we can revisit if it turns out to be a problem.
  Florian: Sounds good.
  Rossen: Sounds good to me. I don't want to hold the spec for that
          one issue.

  glazou: So any objection to that proposal?
  glazou: dbaron?
  <dbaron> I'm fine with it.
  glazou: Thanks dbaron. No objections?

  RESOLVED: Make the change and note in the spec there's a chance
            there might be a webcompat issue.

Simplification of auto-repeat

  <glazou> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Aug/0342.html
  <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#repeat-notation
  fantasai: The auto-repeat syntax allows for repeating an entire
            track listing. Most use cases would be handled by a
            single track which might be worth simplifying to for
            level one. So the proposal is to restrict auto-fill and
            auto-fit to only take a single track size as an argument.
  fantasai: I don't know many cases where you would need multiple
            track sizes now that we have gutters. The only case
            that's come up is if you have items with sub grids in
            which case being able to repeat a track listing would be

  <Rossen> what happens with something like repeat(auto-fill, 100px)
  <TabAtkins> As responded in the list, I'm fine with this
              restriction; I think most use-cases are addressed with
              it. I have no problem with keeping it unrestricted as
              well, tho.
  <TabAtkins> Rossen: That's illegal at the grammar level.
  <Rossen> what about repeat(auto-fill, min-content)
  <TabAtkins> The repeat(auto*) functions are only allowed in a
              "definite lengths only" variant of the track-list

  fantasai: Track listings inside the auto-repeat can only be fixed
  Rossen: What happens when...It will have a non-trivial interaction
          with auto-placement, but also when you have auto-fill
          min-content where the size depends on the last piece of
  fantasai: We forbid that. The way the algorithm works is you need
            to know how many columns you have before you can do
            placement, and you need to do placement before you can
            size the columns. So if you're going to do as many
            columns as will fit, you have to give a concrete size.
  Rossen: Okay, that makes sense.

  glazou: Objections to the proposal? To restrict auto-fill and
          auto-fit to only take single track sizes as an argument.
  astearns: I'm concerned we haven't IDed a use case for this.
            Gutters was certainly the most present one, but I think
            this might be prematurely restricting the expressivity
            of auto-repeat
  <TabAtkins> Haven't identified? They were presented in the emails
              that asked for the feature.
  <astearns> sorry, expressed that badly. I'm concerned that there
             may be use cases for repetitions of multiple track
             sizes that we aren't considering

  Rossen: We can always decide to move this to level 2 if it happens
          to be not very useful or hard to implement.
  fantasai: I can call it out as an issue. There's two ways to
            handle it. Right now the spec says we could simplify
            this down. I could switch that so that the spec says the
            single track and put in an issue that the WG isn't aware
            of significant use cases for multiple track listings and
            if you have any, please make us aware. We have a few
            months before CR so we can put a call out.
  fantasai: If people come back with use cases we can expand out the
            spec. If nobody comes back with anything we can turn the
            issue into a note that in a future level it may be
            expanded. Or we leave the spec as-is and keep asking for
            use cases to make it more interesting.

  glazou: Does that sound like a plan? Any preference?
  <astearns> I'm fine with leaving multiple track size repetitions
             as a future expansion
  Rossen: Any preference to...
  glazou: There are two ways to handle it, she said, and highlighted
          the two ways.
  Rossen: I prefer the second. Don't clutter the spec.

  <fantasai> a) Ask for use cases, leave spec with full track-listing
  <fantasai> b) Simplify spec. Leave issue open asking for use
                cases, and switch back if needed. Turn the issue
                into a note at CR saying a future level might expand.
  glazou: So fantasai Just typed in IRC [reads IRC]
  <astearns> b sounds good to me
  <Rossen> B
  glazou: So astearns and Rossen say B. Other opinions?
  <gregwhitworth> B
  <TabAtkins> B
  <Bert> abstain
  glazou: A few opinions for B.
  glazou: Objections to B?

  RESOLVED: Simplify spec. Leave issue open asking for use cases,
            and switch back if needed. Turn the issue into a note at
            CR saying a future level might expand.

Drop Group Snapping from Level 1

  glazou: The next item about group snapping, might require someone
          from Apple.
  myles: I'm from Apple, but I'm not comfortable discussing this.
  <TabAtkins> I'm fine with dropping; I think it's valuable, but not
              necessary for level 1.


  fantasai: Can we get a resolution to republish Grid?
  glazou: Absolutely. In favor? Against?
  <TabAtkins> In favor. ^_^
  <Bert> +1 publish
  <ChrisL> +1
  <dauwhe> Yep
  <astearns> +1
  Florian: Sure.
  <glazou> +1

  RESOLVED: Republish Grid with the changes discussed above

  fantasai: There's a couple of things we need to clean up in the
            internals, but we're pretty much done so we're going to
            issue a last call for review and hopefully get
            everything wrapped up for TPAC.
  ACTION everyone review Grid

Drop Group Snapping from Level 1

  Florian: In general I think discussing scroll snap is good. With
           regards to dropping group snapping, it's not something
           anyone has.
  Florian: Details of snapping if Apple needs time, let's take time.
           In regards to dropping group snapping, I don't think we
           should be gated since that was introduced in the new
           model as something we can do, but not something we had to
  MaRakow: Group snapping isn't in level 1 currently. There was
           thought we wanted to put in before formalizing the
  Florian: The one I'm speaking of is the proposal from TabAtkins
           and fantasai to replace the current level 1.
  fantasai: We can sort it out later. It's not controversial.

Transforms, Transitions, and Animations

  glazou: We need to make progress on that front. I got the messages
          about what needs to be done and what's going to be done. I
          wanted to say these are very visible specs and we need to
          move one with them. I'm going to review the other specs on
          our radar to see if we're lagging on any other specs and
          what has to be done. We can discuss that at TPAC.

  glazou: We have 5 minutes left. Anyone want to discuss something?

Japanese Industry Meeting

  Florian: As a quick note...I don't think there's an official
           message on the mailing list. We discussed the official
           Japanese Industry meeting during TPAC and from what I've
           heard they're looking at Sunday afternoon. I think an
           official response is pending soon, but you may want to
           take that into account in your plans.
  glazou: Can you explain for those of us that weren't at the F2F?
  Florian: The idea is that Japanese companies are interested in
           things like layout and writing-mode and they'd like to
           meet us. We're setting up a time for that and it's
           probably Sunday afternoon before TPAC.

  glazou: Anything else?
  glazou: Okay. It's a shorter call. Thank you very much and see you
          next week.

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 20:01:27 UTC