Re: [css-text] pre-wrap / pre-wrap-auto

2015-11-09 16:30 GMT+09:00 Florian Rivoal <>:

> > On 09 Nov 2015, at 13:55, fantasai <>
> wrote:
> >
> >      b) wrapping after each space
> Anyway, I think making it possible for authors to get the "b" mode is
> important.
> If it's not the one we get by default (current spec), I want a switch
> (proposal
> above).

A switch is more preferable than changing the default behavior of pre-wrap
to me; pre-wrap serves other use cases than code editors today.

Two things I think we would need consensus on:

1. Assuming this is a code editor use case, I still believe any editors
that wraps before space also wraps in the mid of words. Visual Studio,
NotePad, TextEdit do so. On the other hand, Atom does not wrap in the mid
of words but does not wrap before space either. Having an example of "wrap
before space but not mid of words" would be helpful if you want this
2. It may depends on above, but it feels me that the value should belong to
word-break rather than white-space.


Received on Monday, 9 November 2015 14:43:54 UTC