Re: [css-variables] -- considered harmful

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen <> wrote:

> Furthermore this is shipping (polyfilled) in Polymer 1.0

Speaking of polymer, from Sass's perspective, it's not the syntax of CSS
variables that has caused us issues (even if the $ sigil was/is used), but
rather the fact that the value assigned to a variable can itself be
*anything* including whole blocks of CSS or javascript.

Ultimately, we have decided on a path forward, but it's just the lesser of
all possible evils.

I'd much rather see new primitives added for things like mixins than to see
them piggybacked on top of variables.

Furthermore, the idea that we should be injecting javascript with CSS is...
I don't even have the words for it. I'm sure it solves a problem for
someone, but i find it distasteful and a mixing of concerns that violates
what I've always understood CSS to be.

Chris Eppstein
Sass Core Team
Staff Engineer - LinkedIn

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 18:55:26 UTC