[css-containment] What does "contain:layout" do on table parts?

Hi www-style (Tab in particular),

What should happen if someone sets "contain:layout" on a table-part? (An
element with one of the various "display: table-*" values from
http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#propdef-display )

For example, on a row:
 <table border>
   <tr style="contain:layout"><td>First Row</td></tr>
   <tr><td>Second Row</td></tr>

The spec just says the following:
 # When laying out the containing element, it must be
 # treated as having no contents. After layout of the
 # element is complete, its contents must then be laid
 # out into the containing element’s resolved size.

Is this really what we want to happen for a table-row? I can imagine
that in my example above, this would meant the <tr> would have 0 height,
and its cell would overflow the second row (with beveled borders
behaving a bit oddly...)  I suppose we could do something similar for
table and table-row-group as well. Is that what's supposed to happen?

I tend to think "contain:layout" doesn't really make sense on most table
parts, except maaaybe on "display:table-cell"...


Received on Thursday, 30 July 2015 20:05:32 UTC