[css-ui] Re: CR: CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)

> There may be situations where user attempts to resize an element to appear to be overriden [sic] or ignored

> As the content width and height cannot be negative ([CSS21], section 10.2)

this section isn't linked...

> e.g., for entering text, selecting a button, etc.

pattern: please avoid using e.g. with etc.

> The purpose of the resize property is to also allow control over the appearance and function of the resizing mechanism (e.g. a resize box or widget) on the element.

this doesn't seem likely: purpose ... also

Either it's the purpose (minus `also`), or you probably want to swap
`also` for `Another` or similar...

> replacing existing property declaration(s) if any,
> without !important if any.

should there be `,`s before `if any`?

> whether the language of the element is right-to-left etc.

should there be a `,` before `etc.`?

> (The "must" is at risk since only Firefox currently supports this, and may be downgraded to a "should").

the `.` should be inside the `(`,`)`s :)

> There may be situations where user attempts to resize an element to appear to be overriden or ignored

drop the second `to` ?

> If that cursor format was also not supported, the UA could attempt to use the "hyper.png" cursor with the explicit hot spot [sic].


Received on Tuesday, 14 July 2015 05:38:25 UTC