Re: Can't scroll from the keyboard

Le 2015-12-23 05:02, Liam R. E. Quin a écrit :
> On Wed, 2015-12-23 at 17:40 +0900, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
>> Load
>> Press the spacebar, or the ‘page down’ or ‘end’ key.
>> Expected result: page scrolls down
>> Actual result: nothing happens :-(
> Works here (Firefox 43.0b9, google chrome 48.0.2564.41 beta (64-bit),
> both on GNU/Linux™.
> You might need to click,

True but this, in my opinion, is counter-intuitive, not 
accessibility-friendly. It means that I have to use 2 devices (mouse 
click into a particular area and then keyboard) to scroll the document.

> e.g. on some of the black (not-lionked) text
> to give the document window focus before the arrow keys will work. Or
> it might be platform-specific?
> Liam

<div class='header'>, <div class='body'> and <div class='footer'> are 
all position-ed absolute.

Interestingly, if you click inside the <div class='body'> and then place 
the cursor over the <div class='header'> and then roll up or down the 
mousewheel, then <div class='body'> will *_not_* scroll.

If you click inside the <div class='body'> and then place the cursor 
over the <div class='header'> and then a) type in the "End" key or b) 
type in the "PgDn" or c) "PgUp" key, then <div class='body'> will scroll 
a) all the way down or b) scroll down 10 lines or c) scroll up 10 lines.

I think <div class='header'> and <div class='footer'> should be 
position-ed fixed by the way.


Received on Wednesday, 23 December 2015 12:47:08 UTC