Re: [css-will-change] establishing containing block for fixed-positioned elements

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 4:14 PM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
> On Friday 2015-12-04 16:07 -0800, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> Why do you think that abspos-CB generators don't need to be handled?
> Because the only abspos-CB generated that's not also a fixpos-CB
> generator is (I think) 'position', and I don't think there's much of
> a use case for 'will-change: position'.
> (Does anyone really want to rapidly toggle between absolute and
> relative positioning at 60 Hertz?)

Well, between absolute and static. Relpos makes a CB. ^_^

Point isn't necessarily to make it possible to toggle rapidly (tho
that's part of it), it's to minimize unrelated visual jumps by making
the states more similar in their wide-ranging behavior.


Received on Saturday, 5 December 2015 00:28:48 UTC