RE: [css-flexbox] available space and max-height

>> Your testcase doesn't invoke max-content at all.  Your desired result
>> is what you get, yes, but from elsewhere in the algorithm, as fantasai
>> outlined.
>Huh? Why do you say that? It's an inline-flex, therefore shrink-wrapped,
>therefore should be sized at max-content. No?
>Yet the border/background-color is only around the first column in blink, right

Yep I'm confused by Blink's result here, even Firefox's (adding Daniel for insight). Edge wraps all of the columns, not just the first flex line (which seems to be what is stated in 9.3 of Main size determination). This is even more apparent if you change the testcase[1] from a column flex to a row flex (and change max-height to max-width), all three browsers render the same as Edge does in the initial column flow testcase.



Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 21:44:54 UTC