Re: [css books] endnotes, table notes, footnotes, and sidenotes in HTML/CSS

Brad Kemper wrote:

 > > However, the margin-inside and margin-outside properties are not part
 > > of a spec. Perhaps they should, along with padding-inside,
 > > padding-outside, and the corresponding border properties?
 > I think it would be better to have :left and :right (or :verso and
 > :retro) pseudo-classes, that reflect what page an element is on.
 > Then you could conditionally change backgrounds or whatever you
 > want, without needing a lot of new properties.

Like this?:

  aside:left { background: blue }
  aside:right { background: red }

I agree, this would be more powerful, without igniting combinatorial

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 21:21:21 UTC