Re: [selectors3][selectors4][css21][css4-pseudo] sizing of (floated) ::first-letter

On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:48:47 +0200, Florian Rivoal <>  

> As [css-inline] introduces initial-letter, which is ultimately better  
> suited at doing drop-caps, do we really gain anything by allowing UAs to  
> behave differently on ::first-letter than on a span containing the the  
> same content? I suggest we close this interop problem by removing the  
> sentence quoted above.

We now have a resolution for this, but I am not actually sure which spec  
it should go into.

I doesn't look like it should go in Selectors 4, which that says:

   "1.1 Module Interactions

   This module replaces the definitions of and extends the set of
   selectors defined for CSS in [SELECT] and [CSS21].

   Pseudo-element selectors, which define abstract elements in a
   rendering tree, are not part of this specification: their generic
   syntax is described here, but, due to their close integration with
   the rendering model and irrelevance to other uses such as DOM queries,
   they will be defined in other modules."

Should we issue an errata for selectors 3 or CSS2.1 (both are a REC)  
removing this sentence: "To allow UAs to render a typographically correct  
drop cap or initial cap, the UA may choose a line-height, width and height  
based on the shape of the letter, unlike for normal elements." ? If they  
are the only place where this is defined, we probably should, but if we  
define it elsewhere, I don't know if we need an errata for removing a  

However, Since selectors 4 replace CSS2.1 and selectors 3 on this topic,  
it doesn't look like they are meant to be authoritative on this topics  
anymore. I looks like we intended to move this to but we never agreed to publish that  
spec. Maybe we should revisit that?

  - Florian

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2014 09:22:00 UTC