Re: [css4-ui] Styling the caret

On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:55:08 +0200, Jens O. Meiert <> wrote:

>> At the CSSWG f2f earlier this week, we resolved to add caret-color;
> Is this already drafted somewhere, or do you mind following up here
> once that’s the case? (Monitoring this for the properties index.)

There are the various proposals floating around in this thread, but  
nothing has been added to the spec yet. While this is unlikely to be a  
difficult addition, I don't think we've discussed all the subtleties yet  
(for instance, the caret typically blinks. Is the blinking controllable?  
If yes, how?), so this will come back to the list (or a telco), and get a  
new resolution when we agree on how it works.

Do you generate the property index manually by tracking resolutions (as  
your question seems to suggest)?

  - Florian

Received on Monday, 15 September 2014 13:55:44 UTC