[CSSWG] Minutes Sophia-Antipolis F2F 2014-09-09 Part I: Path Motion as FXFT, Future F2F Meetings

Path Motion as FXTF

  - RESOLVED: joint publish CSS motion paths with SVG WG

Future F2F meetings

  - There will be a join meeting with SVG on the Thursday morning of
  - Next F2F is in Australia hosted by Google and overlapping with
       SVG, tentatively the first week of February.
  - RESOLVED: Monday-Tue SVG, Weds FX, Thu-Fri CSS
  - Next is 18-22 May, NYC, host Bloomberg, dates pending research
       on other conferences around that time
  - Google will host sometime in late summer with a location
       somewhere in Europe (London, Paris, and Zurich were all


  Glenn Adams
  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins
  David Baron
  Bert Bos
  Dave Cramer
  Elika Etemad
  Daniel Glazman
  Koji Ishii (Skype)
  Ian Kilpatrick
  Philippe Le Hégaret
  Chris Lilley
  Peter Linss
  Edward O'Connor
  Simon Pieters
  Florian Rivoal
  Andrey Rybka
  Simon Sapin
  Dirk Schulze
  Alan Stearns
  Shane Stephens
  Greg Whitworth
  Steve Zilles

Scribe: ChrisL

Path Motion as FXTF

  krit: We want to joint publish with SVG WG.
  hober: Yes, that makes sense.

  RESOLVED: joint publish CSS motion paths with SVG WG

Future F2F meetings

  glazou: TPAC is first up; Register already because after 1 Oct the
          fee doubles
  <dbaron> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2014JulSep/0120.html
           says the fee goes up after 8 October.

  hober: Are we doing a third day on Sunday?
  many: No.
  krit: How about a joint meeting with SVG?
  glazou: Are there enough people on Thurs?
  Many: Yes.
  <dbaron> http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/

  glazou: AC meeting is also part of Thursday.
  dbaron: There's a very long lunch with AC meetings and ad hoc then
  dbaron: 4 hours for ad hoc and un-conference stuff and AC.
  glazou: Ok so a joint meet first 2 hours Thurs am?

  glazou: Also, hotel reservations are filling up and the rate
          increases after a few weeks.

  <dbaron> http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/2015
  glazou: The next F2F is at Google Australia. It's tentatively the
          first week February in Sydney.
  glazou: I want to make a firm decision so we can book flights.
  krit: I would have preferred January.
  ChrisL: SVG is meeting the same time on the same week.
  hober: (checking with dino)
  (fares discussion)
  (more fares juggling, exclaiming, moaning)

  krit: How about Mon-Weds and Thurs-Sat?
  krit: Thursday 5 to Saturday 7 with FX on Wednesday?
  glazou: Saturday means losing Monday for work, arriving Tuesday.
  TabAtkins: Coming back takes -3 hours with dateline.

  (flight scheduling for SF bay area)

  RESOLVED: Monday-Tue SVG, Weds FX, Thu-Fri CSS

  glazou: The next host is bloomberg.
  glazou: In NY city.
  plh: TPAC 2015 likely Japan
  hober: NY in May?
  andrey: sure
  dauwhe: AC meeting is early May, Paris.
  plinss: I thought it was early April.
  hober: Europe is missing out for the next few, then
  glazou: First week of May is not good
  dauwhe: Last week May is also bad
  dbaron: JSconf? When is it?

  (mid may seems the best, with time after Australia)

  fantasai: Lets find out more about May conferences
  glazou: The proposal is sometime 18-22 May, NYC, host Bloomberg.
  <dbaron> I've been live-editing http://wiki.csswg.org/planning as
           we decide things.

  glazou: September?
  TabAtkins: London or Paris, hosted Google.
  glazou: Is it ok for Google to host twice?
  TabAtkins: (its ok)
  shane: or Zurich.

  <dbaron> People want to avoid last week of August and first week
           of September
  <dbaron> Though maybe the last week of August is ok.
  <dbaron> US Labor Day is September 7, 2015.

  hober: dino confirms Australia dates OK for him.
  TabAtkins: Week of 24 Aug, London or Zurich?
  steve: Rome?
  glazou: Hotels are much more expensive in London.
  dbaron: It depends where in London.
  TabAtkins: Zurich is reasonable, there's a good hotel in easy walk
             of office.

  (tpac 2015 date speculation)
  plh: 26-30 October
  plh: IETF is in Yokohama.
  plh: Perhaps Sapporo or Osaka.
  fantasai: I'd much prefer week after IETF.
  fantasai: 9-13 Nov.

  <dbaron> I think http://wiki.csswg.org/planning#upcoming-meetings
           reflects what we just decided for 2015, but somebody
           should probably check it.
  <dbaron> There seems to be something making SFO->SYD flights
           particularly expensive the weekend before the dates we
           chose for Sydney, particularly the Friday-Sunday (+US$300)
           and Saturday-Monday (+US$500) flights.
  <shans> dbaron: Air NZ has return economy tickets for $1374,
          flying out on Sunday and back on Saturday
  <dbaron> shans, yeah, it's much less expensive to leave Sunday or
           later, though that's risky for a WG meeting starting
  <shans> dbaron: oh, I see. Misunderstood your initial comment.

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 18:05:57 UTC