Re: [css-text] letter-spacing tests

Even better that you give credit where it is due then. Thanks for the pointer to the PDF. I'll definitely read it.


> On 2014 Oct 10, at 21:41 , John Hudson <> wrote:
> Arle,
> Due credit should be given to Tom Milo of DecoType, who many years ago shook up my own understanding of Arabic. In more general terms, the understanding I obtained from him regarding Arabic alerted me to the degree to which we can tend to analyse writing systems in terms of how previous and obsolete typesetting technologies attempted to represent them. So these days I tend to approach implementation of writing systems in fonts with one eye on what scribes did in manuscripts and the other eye on what is possible in digital technologies. The products of intervening technologies -- handset metal type, hot metal composing machines, phototype -- are relegated to stylistic design resources, and their technical mechanisms either ignored or rigorously questioned.
> This applies even to my own writing system, which I now favour handling without ligature glyphs.
> pp.23–25
> JH

Received on Friday, 10 October 2014 19:43:29 UTC