Re: [css-grid] Span & faulty line names

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 5:33 AM, François REMY
<> wrote:
> I hereby propose to change the specced behavior in case ((an item is sized
> using a span && span lines are filtered by name) && (no line of that name
> exists)).
> Here is the current text:
>   span && [ <integer> || <custom-ident> ]#
>       Contributes a grid span to the grid item’s placement such
>         that the corresponding edge of the grid item’s grid area is
>         N lines from its opposite edge.
>       If a name is given as a <custom-ident>, only lines with that
>         name are counted. (If no line with that name exists, the
>         name is ignored. If not enough lines of that name exist, it
>         spans to the last such named line in the spanning direction.)
> That means "grid-row: span 3 x-track" is considered the same as "grid-row:
> span 3" if no row is named "x-track" (typo). I don't think it makes sense. I
> would prefer to say that it either:
> - is equivalent to "span 1"

The reason we didn't do this is because if you write "span 3 x-track",
you clearly mean for it to span *at least three* tracks, so we can at
least honor that much of your intention, rather than dropping it all
the way down to span 1.  We tried to stay close to the author's
intention with the error-correction, when it seemed possible to infer.

> - is invalid at computation time (and therefore makes the property returns to
> its initial value of "auto")

This would just make it "span 1, or span implicit grid if I'm a
subgrid", neither of which are anywhere close to the author's stated


Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 22:33:24 UTC