[css-align] Meaning of the "legacy" keyword.


In the last specification draft the "legacy" keyword was introduced for
the justify-items property. ItÅ›  described in the document that "The
alignment keyword, but not the legacy keyword, is passed to justify-self.".

I wonder whether this inheritance applies also when the value of
"align-self" is not auto. The specification does not mention that it
applies only to "auto" values, so I assume it causes any other value,
even the one specified by the user would be overwritten by the parent's
legacy value. I assume this because otherwise it would be the regular
behavior of the justify-items, which is defining the default value for
"justify-self" when using auto.

I wonder also if the statement about "auto computes to" (there is a typo
here because of a duplicated article) means also the retuned value fo
the getComputedStyle" function.



Received on Monday, 23 June 2014 22:04:41 UTC