Re: [css-counter-styles][css3-lists] Suffix conflict with CSS Writing Mode spec

I don’t think we need to fix anything for this specific case. The example picture is to show the concept. The picture not reflecting exact spacing isn’t a big problem for the spec.

In terms of what authors would expect in the real world when using ideographic scripts, I think it’s either:
* Zero space, assuming the inner-space of suffix characters (such as full-width period or comma) would give enough spaces, or
* One-em space, where putting full-width space as suffix would do
so, lists relying on suffix to determine the amount of space looks fine to me.


On Jun 6, 2014, at 8:41 AM, Xidorn Quan <<>> wrote:


Please search ::marker in CSS Writing Mode spec [1], and see the example. In the example, there is spacing between the marker and text below. It seems to be different from the expected result of the current counter style spec which makes the spacing only depend on suffix.

I have no idea about what should be done for this case. I think the result in the example in Writing Mode spec seems better.


- Xidorn

Received on Saturday, 7 June 2014 16:48:27 UTC