Re: [CSSOM View] Extensions to Element.scrollLeft and Element.scrollTop are not valid WebIDL

Allow me to re-write my previous reply, as I replied without fully understanding the proposal.

>   void scrollTo(double x, double y, optional ScrollOptions options);

I agree that this is cleaner. However, what the API means in regards to writing modes is a bit unclear to me.

Are they absolute? In other words, does “x” mean distance from left regardless of writing modes?

If yes, I would like to consider adding “right” or “logical” option, because distance from left is not very useful when the document grows to left, such as bi-directional or vertical-rl.

Also, “block" might be a nice addition, so that authors can jump to a specific line position regardless of its principal writing mode[1].



Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2014 06:01:46 UTC