Re: [css-flexbox] Should a flex container's "overflow directions" be established by its main/cross axes? (instead of its block/inline directions)

On 07/22/2014 11:49 AM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> Hi www-style,
> When content overflows off the top of a flex container with
> "flex-direction:column-reverse;overflow:auto", should scrollbars appear?

A secondary (but related question):

When content overflows off the top of a flex container with...
 flex-direction:column; justify-content: flex-end: overflow:auto
...should scrollbars appear?

(In this case, the definition of "overflow directions" is a bit
trickier. If we establish overflow directions based on the flex
container's main axis & cross axis (as I think we should), then we'd
still be using (traditional) top-to-bottom scrolling in this new
scenario, despite the fact that any overflow that happens is likely to
be on the top (since the "justify-content:flex-end" styling will make
flex items push each other off the top of the container). Maybe that's
OK? I think the "column-reverse" scenario is more clear-cut, anwyay.)


Received on Thursday, 24 July 2014 23:53:12 UTC