Re: [css-color-4] Renaming gray()

>> 2. CSS is tied more closely to RGB than CMYK
>> If there was black(x) I'd expect it to be a shorthand for cmyk(0,0,0,x), but
>> use of actual CMYK colors in CSS can be a can of worms (it should be subject
>> to color profiles, but then black(0) may be different than rgb(0,0,0)).
>> However in the RGB world white(x) can be simply explained as rgb(255*x,
>> 255*x, 255*x), but the same doesn't make sense for black: rgb(0*x, 0*x,
>> 0*x).
> Black is just (100% - x) for each component.

Well, of course it is. My point was that because of the inversion the formula for black->rgb isn't as simple and elegant as for white->rgb.

regards, Kornel

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 22:18:00 UTC