Re: [css3-background] PFWG input on focus ring

On 07/23/2014 06:26 PM, Antony Kennedy wrote:
>> A user can disable such modifications by restricting it via !important
>> rules in the user style sheet (or an equivalent UI control) just like
>> disabling author-specified colors and fonts.
> A user can set their own outline with !important, but out of interest,
> is there a way for them to stop the author overriding browser defaults?

Yes. From CSS’s perspective, the browser defaults are represented
in the cascade as user-level style rules. So making those rules
!important (or in any case having them enter the cascade at the
user !important level) will "stop the author overriding browser

This is how we represent all such preferences, such as default
colors and fonts.


Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 22:15:26 UTC