Re: [cssom-view] Specifying scroll options for scrollIntoView() without the "top" argument

On 7/22/14, 9:05 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> I propose we add a third overload that takes just a ScrollOptions
> dict

You mean just change the first overload to take an optional (has to be; 
it's a dictionary) ScrollOptions dict, right?

> If no one's implemented the current ScrollOptions overload yet

Gecko has it implemented, but it hasn't shipped yet.  We can probably 
change it if the changes happen soonish.

> That way you either
> call the function with the legacy boolean arg, or with the modern dict
> arg, not both.

This generally makes sense to me.


Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 02:00:10 UTC