Re: Ambiguous hyphenation cases with

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Christoph Päper
<> wrote:
> fantasai <>:
>>> The problem is that the hyphenation system in itself can't decide how
>>> to change the spelling, without any "dictionary"   functionality. It
>>> can't know if I meant "mat-tjuv" ("food thief" in Swedish) or "matt-tjuv"
>>> ("carpet thief") when I wrote "mat&shy;tjuv". So there has to be a way
>>> to tell the hyphenation system that.
>   “mattjuv, mat&#x34F;tjuv”
> Possible Unicode solution with a new combining character that makes the preceding character or grapheme – I’m not sure which – invisible except at the end of a line:
>   “mattjuv, matt&#x2065;tjuv”
>   U+2065 – Combining Collapse or Reduplicating Soft Hyphen or so

I think I'd prefer new tags to new magic entities.  In TeX this would be


so maybe in HTML

    mat<dbr before="t-">tjuv

also accepting after= and nobreak= attributes.  It's verbose but it's
easier to remember, I think.

I'd also support a "hyphenation" CSS property with the same semantics
as TeX's \hyphenation{}, i.e.

    hyphenation: "un-break-able" "mom-ent";

overrides the built-in hyphenation dictionary for the words
"unbreakable" and "moment" (within the selected elements; normally one
would put this on <body>).

For bonus points,

    hyphenation: "mat[t-//]tjuv"

precise syntax to be bikeshedded.

> All solutions require author education.



Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 18:17:05 UTC