Re: [css-counter-styles] allow use of CSS4 "alt" property with @counter-style/symbols

Tab Atkins Jr. <>:
> On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Christoph Päper
>>  :root:lang(en) {--input: "Input";   --output: "Output";}
>>  :root:lang(de) {--input: "Eingabe"; --output: "Ausgabe";}
>>  @counter-style io-spoken {
>>    system: cyclic;
>>    symbols: var(--input), var(--output);
>>    speak-as: words;
>>  }
> You can't use var() like that; there's no property to draw it from.

That’s right and a pity. It really should work somehow, otherwise localizing stuff like that is going to be a PITA. I can see two ways out of this:
  – either ‘symbols’ (and similar at-rule properties that accept strings) 
    resolves variables at the location used 
  – or at-rules inherit variables from ‘:root’ or a special construct:

  @lang en,{--input: "Input";   --output: "Output";}
  @lang de {--input: "Eingabe"; --output: "Ausgabe";}

Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 22:23:25 UTC