Re: [css-font-loading] values of style, variant etc. before they are initially set

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 8:53 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:
> The spec says to queue a task to set the values of style, variant, etc. on a
> FontFace from the values that come from the constructor's dictionary
> argument.  What values do you get if you inspect them before that task has
> run?  As with the similar issue of CSS-connected FontFaces where the
> @font-face rule doesn't have the corresponding descriptor, two reasonable
> choices would be "" or the default value of the descriptor.

Agree that it was a whole.  Read further for resolution.

> Why are the descriptors parsed asynchronously anyway?

Because I was rejecting the promise when they were wrong, so it seemed
better to just go ahead and do all of the work async.  However, it
seems not worth the trouble now, or really necessary.  I've moved the
parsing up into the sync section instead.


Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 21:31:26 UTC