Re: [css-ruby] Anonymous Ruby Box Generation

On 09/25/2013 06:10 AM, Richard Ishida wrote:
> [resending with improved subject line - please reply to this version only]
> On 25/09/2013 13:53, Richard Ishida wrote:
>> 2.2. Anonymous Ruby Box Generation
>> I'm having a little trouble understanding how this works such that we
>> end up with all ruby layout structures properly parented.

Hi Richard!
This section has been rewritten to fix various errors and improve
white space handling. I'll answer based on the new text.

>> [1]
>> If the ruby markup is
>> <ruby>振<rt>ふ</rt>り<rt>り</rt>仮<rt>が</rt>名<rt>な</rt></ruby>
>> How do the base characters get anonymous ruby-base boxes?
“Wrap misparented inline-level content: Any consecutive sequence of
text and inline-level boxes directly parented by a ruby container
or ruby base container is wrapped in an anonymous ruby base.”

>> [2]
>> If the ruby markup is
>> <ruby><rb>振<rb>り<rb>仮<rb>名<rt>ふ<rt>り</rt><rt>が<rt>な</ruby>
>> step 3 says
>> "Within each ruby base container, each sequence of inline-level boxes is
>> wrapped in an anonymous ruby base box"
>> Shouldn't this say:
>> "Within each ruby base container, each of the inline-level boxes is
>> wrapped in an anonymous ruby base box"

No, because an <rb> is a ruby base box: it shouldn't be wrapped
in an additional ruby base box.

>> [3]
>> If the ruby markup is
>> <ruby><rb>振<span>り</span>仮名<rt>annotations</ruby>
>> wouldn't step 3 produce 3 ruby bases where only one was intended?

No, because the <rb> element is a ruby base box: we don't generate
any anonymous wrappers within a ruby base box.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 14:25:10 UTC