Re: [css-ruby] Typos and an error?

On 05/31/2014 11:09 AM, MURAKAMI Shinyu wrote:
> I found typos in CSS Ruby
> §2.3
>    s/A this point/At this point/
>    s/Each ruby annotation containers/Each ruby annotation container/
> §2.4
>    s/hirangana/hiragana/
> §2.5
>    s/anonynmous/anonymous/
> §2.8.2
>    s/correspondance/correspondence/
> §2.10
>    s/specificed/specified/
> §3.1 (in <img>'s @alt text, Figure 8 and 10)
>    s/apearing/appearing/

Fixed, thanks!

> Also I think §2.2 (Anonymous Ruby Box Generation) has an error:
>> 2. Any consecutive sequence of ruby bases not parented by a
>>    ruby base container is wrapped in an anonymous ruby base container.
>>    Similarly, any consecutive sequence of ruby annotations not
>>    parented by a ruby annotation container is wrapped in an anonymous
>>    ruby annotation container.
>> 3. Within each ruby base container, each sequence of inline-level
>>    boxes is wrapped in an anonymous ruby base box.
>>    Similarly, within each ruby annotation container, each sequence of
>>    inline-level boxes is wrapped in an anonymous ruby annotation box.
> These rules seem insufficient for generating anonymous ruby base and
> ruby base container boxes for simple ruby markup, such as,
>      <ruby>Base<rt>Annot</rt></ruby>
> because the rule 2 and 3 cannot be applied for the text "Base" without
> another rule that wraps the text in an anonymous ruby base box
> or an anonymous ruby base container.
> This problem was probably already pointed out:

This section has now been rewritten. Please let me know if you notice
any further errors. :)


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 12:54:44 UTC