Re: CSS priorities

Hi Daniel,

> You already said it and I already replied. We did not do Variables, we
> did something the perfect CSS way.

I’ll see to it that I use other examples in the future :)

> Let me come back to your own words: "focus CSS more". Focus more
> on what?

Focus on what is absolutely necessary, *if* that is viewed as
something that curbs complexity at all—and I pick up here that this
view is not necessarily shared. The idea was that we focus only on
critical features and, temporarily, tying loose ends together as well
as consolidating and cleaning up.

> We _do_ focus on the future of CSS.

I hear what you’re saying but typically I’d not understand that as focus ;)

In any case, I recognize I got heard too and as of this moment don’t
have much constructive to add.

Jens O. Meiert

Received on Monday, 27 January 2014 01:47:06 UTC