Re: [css-regions] responsive and semantic use of named flows

On Jan 26, 2014, at 12:28 PM, Håkon Wium Lie <> wrote:
> Hello Brad,
>> There is nothing I see in the regions spec that prevents flexible
>> or adaptive layouts,
> I'm happy to be proven wrong on my predictions. How would you use
> Regions to create a flexible and adaptive presentation of the example
> in the WebPlaform article?
> -h&kon

Sorry, I lost track of which article you mean. But in general, to create an adaptive flexible layout out of existing content, I would use existing methods to do so (use whatever boxes are already in the HTML, maybe add some more boxes using ::before and ::after) or use something like Grid to generate new boxes as needed. 

Then I'd flow the content between the boxes in the way that suited me. 

Then I'd use whatever means I can (which have nothing directly to do with Regions) to make it adapt to different devices. That would include media queries, auto and/or percentage widths, floats (including page floats, perhaps), etc. 

For mobile phones, I might even flow multiple non-siblings parts into a single 1-col box, and hide or collapse away their original boxes. 

Maybe for printing on a standard size page (selected with media queries) I could turn the first page of the each article into a fancy layout with multiple boxes (created via Grid, let's say) and the text flowing through them (flowing into multi-col on subsequent pages, if there is more to show) and a big page floated figure on page one. 

Received on Monday, 27 January 2014 00:54:50 UTC