Re: [css-regions] responsive and semantic use of named flows

Alan Stearns wrote:

 > The way you do this is with this CSS:
 > article {
 >   flow-into: combined-article-flow content;
 > }
 > article:nth-of-type(1) {
 >   flow-from: combined-article-flow;
 >   max-height: 100vh;
 > }
 > article:nth-of-type(2) {
 >   flow-from: combined-article-flow;
 > }

 > All of the presentation is in the CSS,
 > and you don't even have to add class attributes to the markup.

It true that you don't use any dummy <div> elements in your example.
That's good. But you still abuse elements, namely the first and second
<article> elements. They are changed from being a structural elements
which marks the start and end of articles, into presentational
elements which hold some article content (and whatever else is flowed
into them).

Also, the solution doesn't scale. If you need more regions than you
have articles (the WebPlatform article [1] uses at least 6 regions),
you would need to add dummy elements somehow.

So, this is not a "semantic" solution to the problem at hand.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 26 January 2014 17:39:32 UTC