Re: [css-regions] responsive and semantic use of named flows

On 26/01/14 05:13, Brad Kemper wrote:

> I really want regions. I find them easy to understand, and powerful, in a way that is familiar to me from using QuarkExpress (back in the day) and then InDesign. I also like how they relate so closely to how content flows between pages in printed layout, and how they unify thoughts of how fragmented flow happens, whether it is between pages, columns, pseudo-elements, arbitrary elements, or any combination of these. If Regions themselves are not the primitive, then perhaps some subset of regions is at least a good model to describe how these things are similar (or how new similar things should conform).

Exactly. Regions and flows are easy if you're familiar with DTP
software and NO, they don't require elements. They require fragments
and these fragments can be created in a lot of ways.

> I also liked the general ideas of page floats. I'd like to see them kept simple. They do not need to compete with regions to the extent of replicating every feature in the hopes of killing off regions. Why can't we have both? Both Adobe and Opera are contributing to WebKit or Blink now, right? So it seems like we could have both.


> Floats are great for figures and images, but I think some of the footnote-generating and placing stuff in Pages/GCPM to be hard to follow, and would prefer to see some of that built upon a foundation of regions. I think it would lessen the learning curve, because I do think regions is a good base for understanding other parts of CSS already, and therefore likely to be adopted first in the hearts and minds of authors.

Agreed entirely, I said precisely that during the Paris meeting.
Thanks a lot for you message, Brad.


Received on Sunday, 26 January 2014 10:27:56 UTC