Re: [css-regions] responsive and semantic use of named flows

On 1/25/14, 7:15 PM, "Brad Kemper" <> wrote:

>> On Jan 25, 2014, at 12:50 PM, "Robert O'Callahan"
>><> wrote:
>> For example, a simple variation on your use-case would be to have the
>><aside> take up less than the full width of the body, and allow article
>>text to flow to the right of it. Then it's obviously a float and your
>>region approach won't work.
>Wouldn't you just add 'aside { float: left; }' to Alan's code? (And maybe
>some width too?)

No, because regions are block formatting contexts. There are ways to
accomplish this with a third region, but it’s not very elegant. I think
the best way to solve this particular case is with an exclusion, but a
paged float could also work.



Received on Sunday, 26 January 2014 03:42:09 UTC