Re: [css-syntax] ISSUE-329: @charset has no effect on stylesheet??

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:56 AM, John Cowan <> wrote:
> What is more, it breaks pure-ASCII stylesheets.  Pure ASCII is an important
> subset of UTF-8, and it should not be made impractical to use.

If your style sheet is pure ASCII, then it doesn't matter what
superset encoding the browser applies, as long as it's
ASCII-compatible (i.e. "not UTF-16".)  So if your stylesheet is pure
ASCII, most of this discussion is moot for you.

(It just occurred to me, though, that an HTML document encoded in
UTF-16 can impose that on an ASCII stylesheet via the environment
encoding.  I don't think we need to change anything because of that -
UTF-16 is rare enough already and the combination would produce
breakage that is obvious and easily fixed - but it does illustrate why
I am not a fan of the concept of environment encodings in general.)


Received on Friday, 24 January 2014 17:16:18 UTC