Re: [css-syntax] ISSUE-329: @charset has no effect on stylesheet??

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Asmus Freytag <> wrote:
> On 1/23/2014 10:18 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> So, in sum:
>> 1. Nobody should be using @charset in the first place. We only retain
>> it for legacy purposes, and new stylesheets should just be done in
>> utf-8.
>> 2. There is a realistic concern that we're already under legacy
>> constraints to not loosen the syntax.
>> 3. CSS parsing allows for *far* more variation than just "more spaces
>> and either type of quote".
>> 4. UAs are very unlikely to implement the full flexibility of CSS
>> parsing just for encoding detection.
>> 5. If we specify only a subset of allowed variation, the original goal
>> of making encoding detection aligned with valid @charset rules is
>> still not satisfied.
>> For all these reasons, I strongly reject any proposal to change the
>> current specification regarding the strictness of the encoding
>> declaration syntax.
> Succinctly reasoned.
> Will the spec be written accordingly?

It already is written accordingly.  Unless you mean something more specific?


Received on Thursday, 23 January 2014 20:28:22 UTC