Re: [css-counter-styles] Algorithm of 'symbolic' is incorrect

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:52 AM, Xidorn Quan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> In the current draft, the algorithm of system 'symbolic' seems to be
> incorrect. We use the style "footnote" defined in the spec for
> example:
> Let counter value = 1, N = 4, then
> 1. chosen symbol = symbol(1 mod 4) = symbol(1) = ⁑ (SHOULD be '*')
> 2. representation length = floor( (1 - 1) / 4 ) = 0 (SHOULD be 1)
> 3. S = representation length * chosen symbol = (empty sequence)
> The correct algorithm should be:
> Let N be the length of the list of counter symbols, value be the
> counter value, S initially be the empty string, and symbol(n) be the
> nth counter symbol in the list of counter symbols (0-indexed).
> 1. Let the chosen symbol be symbol( (value - 1) mod N).
> 2. Let the representation length be ceil(value / N).
> 3. Append the chosen symbol to S a number of times equal to the
> representation length.
> Finally, return S.

Oh jeez, how did I get this so wrong?  That's embarrassing. ;_;

Fixed, thanks.


Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 21:44:57 UTC