[css-grid] Content-size tracks and orthogonal flows

(Again, with a proper Subject line. Sorry about the earlier message.)


In the current ED, the "top-level" of the Grid Track Sizing Algorithm is:

> Call ComputedUsedBreadthOfGridTracks for Grid Columns to resolve
> their logical width.
> Call ComputedUsedBreadthOfGridTracks for Grid Rows to resolve their
> logical height. The logical width of Grid Columns from the prior step
> is used in the formatting of Grid items in content-sized Grid Rows to
> determine their required height.

As far as I understand, the idea is that the min-content and max-content 
keywords are truly intrinsic (can be resolved based solely on the 
content of the grid item) in the inline direction, but for the block 
direction they require actual layout and therefore depend on the used 
logical width of the grid item.

However, this only works if the grid item and grid container have 
"parallel" writing modes. (Ie. both vertical or both horizontal.) What 
happens if a grid item is an "orthogonal flow"? (As defined in 

> If the minimum content size of any Grid item has changed based on
> available height for the Grid item as computed in step 2, adjust the
> min content size of the Grid item and restart the Grid track Sizing
> algorithm (once only).

Conversely, the only case I can imagine this happening is if the grid 
item is an orthogonal flow. Are there other cases?

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 10 February 2014 21:47:54 UTC