Re: [shadow-styling] alternative idea.

On Feb 10, 2014, at 10:52 AM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:

>>> This was actually the very first thing we tried with Shadow DOM
>>> styling, at least two years ago.  At-rules seemed like the the most
>>> natural context-switcher.
> As further justification for rejecting this, the WG as a whole has
> moved away from using at-rules as a selector context-switcher.
> @region was an early attempt at this as well, and we decided not to do
> it.

Where do you get that? Because Alan changed @region to be more like shadow-DOM (a moving target), and then a couple others suggested that this was further justification for maybe using pseudos instead of embedding rules in @page? You can't accurately say "WG as a whole" when I am in the WG and disagree with such a change in direction. That's not a whole. And we still use @media as a selector context-switcher, and that is still going strong and being expanded and has been pretty successful. 

Received on Monday, 10 February 2014 19:09:25 UTC