[books] Bibliographies

CSS Working Group,

Greetings.  Another idea for CSS, on the topic of CSS4, expands upon the ideas in CSS Namespaces, Content, Reference Combinators and the Styling of XML-Based Citations and References (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Jun/0704.html).

The Citation Styling Language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation_Style_Language) indicates topics and logic pertaining to formatting structured citation and bibliographic data into the text, towards XML and hypertext, for various document styles (http://www.zotero.org/styles).

There are numerous approaches to the semantics and presentation of citations and references in XML-based documents including CSL, XSL, CSS, semantic content in XML attributes (e.g. http://ocoins.info/) and RDFa (http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-in-html/) and there are numerous ontologies for bibliographic content.  Topical to CSS is the styling of structured XML citations and references (<ext:ref ext:cite="elementId1 elementId2 ..."/>, <ext:reference xml:id="..." ...>...</ext:reference>).

Many Web-related scholarly and scientific communication topics are addressed by the CSS Books module (http://books.spec.whatwg.org/) and citation and bibliography use cases could be a part of the CSS Books module.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 14:59:13 UTC