- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 01:11:16 -0800
- To: "www-style@w3.org" <www-style@w3.org>
Media Queries ------------- - Discussed process of fixing trivial errors in MQ3 - RESOLVED: Update MQ3 wording on never having to evaluate a style sheet unless specified explicitly otherwise. - Florian and Tab presented an overview of the changes in MQ4, particularly - deprecating types in favor of features - specific media features being introduced - introducing mathematical comparison syntax in addition to min-/max- - expanding list of falsy values The CSSWG gave feedback, including various fixes and ideas to explore. (See full minutes.) - RESOLVED: add value < feature syntax (value op name form), including = - RESOLVED: publish FWPD of MQ4, add Tab as editor Baseline Grids -------------- - RESOLVED: add astearns, fantasai as editors to line-grid module - RESOLVED: publish FPWD css-line-grid CSS3 Color ---------- Reviewed status of currentColor erratum / implementations ====== Full minutes below ====== Media Queries ------------- Scribe: tantek <florian> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Nov/0122.html florian: MQ3 errata florian: need to fix example in a REC florian: we have an errata for MQ3 but that typo is not in it plh: updating errata is easy plh: but a new REC is harder florian: updating errata is good enough fantasai: you can fix the typo in place florian: whoever can touch these documents please fix bert: I can fix the errata <florian> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Nov/0125.html florian: the other MQ3 topic florian: it says something about never having to evaluate a style sheet florian: I have proposed wording florian: do we want to change this in level 3? florian: or we can just do it in 4 florian: in level 4 it is already fixed. glazou: fix it in both glazou: no objections, resolved. dbaron: does it make it clear that it is unless explicitly specified florian: yes dbaron: it might be good if it was "… that it overrides this rule" tab: ok <SimonSapin> +1 dbaron <dbaron> explicitly specified that it overrides this rule RESOLVED: Update MQ3 wording on never having to evaluate a style sheet unless specified explicitly otherwise. <dbaron> (This is based on an interesting idea I read about... I think it was from Canadian law ... there are a set of legal rights that the government can't override unless the law overriding the right explicitly says that it violates that right... so that it can't happen by accident or be hidden.) tab: MQ4 changes tab: I am going to ask for first public WD tab: we are deprecating a bunch of media types, replacing them with media features tab: TV never succeeded because your screen style sheets were not allowed tab: MQ4 proposes saying: media types are a legacy feature explicitly supporting: all, screen, print, speech fantasai: would it make sense for tv & screen to simply be non-exclusive? tab: no one is publishing tv style sheets tab: beyond epsilon florian: what Opera did with projection was fairly strange * fantasai thought it was pretty useful, though glazou: what about number of screens and resolutions of screens? glazou: we are concerned about the second screen experience tab: yes. please bring it up in an email thread. tab: also, new range context syntax tab: authors seems excited about this <glazou> +1 tab: old min/max features still supported, but they just map to the inequalities versions tab: could be convinced to add != tab: single equal or double qual? smfr: what about != ? dbaron: what about = ? (too many talking) dbaron: also want value < feature, given that they have value < feature < value tab: yes bert: we have avoided < > in CSS to allow it better in HTML tab: it works now bert: HTML hasn't changed tab/bert have CDATA arguments shepazu: HTML5 has parser than handles it bert: not just browser, talking about HTML, XML etc. bert: you have to escape it in some cases tab: if no one escapes it they won't have a problem bert: if you use SGML you're going to have a bad day <glazou> (laughter) <dauwhe> I have styled docbook with CSS, but I'd be fine with escaping < if needed in that situation. tab: we should add = sign RESOLVED: add "=" tab: we need a use case for not equals RESOLVED: add value < feature syntax (value op name form) tab: in addition to name op value form tab: we are looking for use cases for the != form tab: MQ4 syntax has been rewritten but should be functionally equivalent Tab: We agreed to add full and/or/not logic like @supports, but I haven't done that yet; plan to. glazou: if we're using media features instead of media types we're going to replicate that list of features many times in many @-rules and I don't want to see that <glazou> we need a way to declare a user-defined media type based on a list of features florian: not in the spec now but we should talk about it florian: another minor change, when you just evaluate a media feature inside a parentheses we used to special case it tab: none is now falsy as well as 0 tab: it prevents us from going down the route of having a boolean that takes 0 and 1 tab: new media features tab: "updates" feature (name pending) - how quickly the screen updates tab: updates: none is like printing tab: updates: slow is saying not good enough for animations, like e-ink tab: updates: normal can handle animations tab: open to input on names and frequencies dauwhe: Call this refresh-rate rather than updates? florian: rate sounds like a number florian: and we don't want that <sgalineau> update-frequency high/low? <fantasai> Also, mention animations in the description of 'normal' tab: next two is how you deal with overflow tab: "overflow-block" tab: none or scroll fantasai: opera had a mode where it could do forced page breaks or otherwise it would scroll which was cool for presentations tab: is that addressed by paged? fantasai: I think it is a new one dbaron: it is can-you-make-page-breaks, not does-overflow-go-into-new-pages tab: it only applies if you are paged already tab: better to have two variants of paged? [...] florian: would have to name it something else smfr: terminology is very confusing smfr: overflow block and scrolling is already used in CSS tab: we tried to use parallel naming but that might be confusing tab: better names are requested! smfr: content doesn't overflow the screen, it overflows the viewport tab: you're right that should be viewport tab: can we split paged into two values that better capture it tab: and we'll solicit better names for the properties themselves. tab: sound good? (no objections voiced) tab: (more new features)( tab: "pointer: none florian: like paper, TV without a cursor tab: … other value, like a mouse tab explains pointer: coarse | fine vs. hover: none | hover (markup discussion of spec example) tab: "hover" is a new media feature tab: whether hovering is supported or not florian: we are not addressing the keyboard (disappointed in minute taker for not capturing an overflow joke) tab: some devices can match multiple values tab: e.g. chrome pixel is both touch and pointing device tab: e.g. both coarse and fine tab: in general we say match according to primary input devices tab: if it's just a possible input, don't match florian: connecting a mouse to a tv does not turn it into a desktop tab: next, "luminosity" smfr: this is the wrong term glazou: we should use device API terms glazou: This is called light-level ... tab: we should capture that luminosity should be named light-level glazou: there are a lot of device APIs we could add as media queries glazou: e.g. new samsung phones have capability of detecting to see if someone is looking at the phone plinss: so you can restyle the page to look different when you're not looking at it (laughter) tab: should be careful with things useful declaratively or just in script tab: but there's a goldmine of things we should add shepazu: have to be careful with pointer events tab: script tab: whether or not ecmascript is supported on the current document shepazu: "script" in the CSS context might be confused with i18n script shepazue: how about procedural scripting? something other than "script" shepazu: scripting would be less confusing fantasai: should be something about supported languages fantasai: none | js | dart tab: switch "enabled" to be actual scripting language names tab: a third value might be useful (in addition to none | enabled) tab: UAs like opera mini run scripts on page load and then never again tab: is that useful ? plinss: similar to printing plinss: so yes it is useful tab: then I want two different features tab: whether scripting is allowed at all tab: and then another feature for supported language(s) florian: I don't think there is a pressing need for detecting which language fantasai: what about user pref'd off? tab: those are just "none" plinss: there are many sites that say, "your scripting is turned off, please turn it on" - horrible thing to say if you can't turn it on dbaron: there are plenty of sites that do that via a div in markup and set it to display none in script plinss: … (couldn't hear) tab: the way the syntax is defined, both such values should be falsy tab: we could make the set of falsy values extensible florian: ? tab: if it gets fine grained enough you need a JS API florian: (something) might eventually be needed tab: will leave it as an open issue - do we want two flavors of none? tab: will add a feature for can-only-run-script-on-load SimonSapin: fingerprinting concerns? tab: a lot of them are already exposed in other ways tab: if there are new exposures, open to ways to deal with that glazou: devices, keyboards glazou: some devices have keyboard that slides out tab: captured by "work properly" vs "horrible" tab: lots of open questions about keyboards tab: many sets of devices these days tab: yesterday we discussed print economy tab: some things that are static will want full backgrounds tab: some things like printers may want to do economy mode simon: If ink-economy is a CSS property, it may be problematic to query it with MQ florian: is that what media queries are for? florian: e.g. if black everywhere is expensive... tab: yes, that's my basic thought tab: the property allows you to opt into the browser's blunt hammer - e.g. economize ink usage tab: it might be valuable to allow more fine grain user / author input tab: microsoft has a high-contrast media query tab: how does it work? rossen: the latter (that you've been put into high contrast mode and you should adapt) tab: also, inverted tab: is it forced or requested? rossen: same way plh: we looked into that related to the canvas API plh: re: custom focus ring plh: only supposed to draw focus ring if special request from user plh: it is not clear if browser has access to the information plh: e.g. on Windows it is controlled by the OS plh: but did not tell the browser plh: you may want to be careful plh: maybe some privacy implication plh: people using high contrast may have some disability and may not want to give that information tab: there was a discussion in Shenzen about this tab: all that indieUI mediaqueries, do we want them in MQ4 or leave them in an extension? plh: maybe wait a while before you do that plh: to see how successful they are fantasai: best to pull them all into one spec bert: otherwise people will have hard time finding them tab: they don't have that many tab: but a bunch of them should be pulled in fantasai: concerns e.g. with inversion is there are various ways of inverting, as discussed in Shenzhen tab: we need a way to say this is an image, don't invert it tab: but still want a mq for inversion to turn off shadows tab: being able to actually alter your styling in response, beyond just un-inverting images, is still useful tab: I will look into pulling in indieUI things we've discussed fantasai: another one ... tab: kinda fantasai: e.g. dark theme tab: that's interesting tab: might be a good direction to go in, preferred theming tab: final issue - view-mode tab: seems half reasonable tab: should properly pull it in and get it properly tested in real browsers smfr: generally deprecating media types, bunch of other specs refer to them smfr: e.g. animations says if you're media type print you should not animate smfr: things they can be converted to? tab: animations should just refer to the "updates" media feature simonsapin: media line? (in property definitions) tab: we should fix that bert: I use some of these media types! bert: they should keep working bert: they work in opera bert: projection, handheldd florian: not since 2007 bert: also in openwave bert: deprecating is fine, but don't change their meaning tab: old browsers can do what they want florian: new browsers won't match them bert: that's a problem tab: won't work on my phone bert: they have bad browsers tab: these media types are not used in practice bert: no plh: perhaps deprecate but still support instead of drop? shepazu: we're talking about for browsers made today and in the future bert: ok to add new functionality bert: but not ok to break existing documents tab: but those don't work in 99.99% of devices bert: but that's a bug in those browsers bert: so how do I get my projection? glazou: projection is completely undefined bert: but it works tantek: projection only worked in one implementation. claiming we should support those documents is like saying all browsers should support -webkit- prefix features. bert: but projection was in a standard dbaron: The thing Opera did with projection is nothing like what the spec said. (lots of talking) florian: this document at an editorial level was a major rewrite florian: please review to make sure we didn't change meaning of existing features (unintentionally) glazou: next step tab: request FPWD glazou: who agrees on FPWD glazou: who objects glazou: consensus FPWD MQ4 tab: also I need to be an editor <dbaron> (probably about 2/3 or more of the room in favor, and no objections) glazou: who will publish it? staff contact? shepazu: had a long conversation Sunday about projection shepazu: some additional use cases shepazue: 1 notes on screen but not visible on projector (second screen thing) shepazu: 2 change contrast when it is being projected, higher contrast 3 full screen on the projection and not necessarily on your main screen florian: e.g. if you try to replicate Powerpoint in a browser shepazu: if you mirror screens, is that OS level and you can't effect? we aren't sure how we're going to address all this smfr: two of those things sounded like you wanted two views of the same document clilley: there are other contexts we've discussed that RESOLVED: publish FWPD of MQR, add Tab as editor Baseline Grids -------------- astearns speaking/ presenting astearns: had a problem, and with CSS in general astearns: (sets up projector) astearns: have been using this as an example of baseline grids astearns: they have side by side content, and none of the baselines align across columns astearns: it would be great to have a way to share a baseline grid astearns: so that the columns could share baselines in body text astearns: it would be great if CSS could address this problem astearns: having line boxes align to a grid is a first step astearns: you want a way to say I want these lines to participate in a grid and others not astearns: e.g. body text stays on the grid astearns: or giving blocks a way to align to the grid in interesting ways astearns: e.g. having the first baseline of the element align to the grid astearns: or having the entire block center on the grid astearns: in either case you get a much better layout fantasai: I wrote a proposal, but the WG decided it wanted to put in the line Box module, which is not in a publishable state, therefore has been blocked from publication last 2-3 years simonsapin: line-grid module? astearns: yes <dauwhe> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-line-grid/ <hober> IIRC we based -webkit-line-clamp on fantasai's proposal <SimonSapin> fantasai, Line Box, is it Line Layout / css-inline ? <fantasai> yes szilles: critical part, what gets aligned, and how big is it astearns: does fantasai's proposal handle it? szilles: not clear szilles: the way CSS does line boxes, not clear if you can determine the baselines astearns: there has to be because flexbox does some first baseline based alignment clilley: would be nice to see more alignment clilley: e.g. align by-lines to each other at the bottom clilley: second comment, also drop caps, n lines below the baseline clilley: 3 other alphabets align to top line etc. astearns: sometimes it's not the baseline, sometimes it's some other typographic measure, e.g. CJK centers the content fantasai: actually, it aligns to a baseline as well -- happens to be the central baseline rather than alphabetic baseline szilles: don't want to take ruby into account when doing the alignment fantasai: alignment with ruby is already defined in ruby spec astearns: problem of aligning lines to baseline grid while bottom-aligning the content astearns: (other problems) szilles: also widows and orphans bert: ... <Bert> (Like leader(), but vertical.) astearns: the main relationship depends on the order in the block direction astearns: how tall it is when you are bottom aligning it, then relates to grid, then loop astearns: I would like to work on this astearns: perhaps I can help co-edit Line Box Module szilles: ... fantasai: let's publish both of them, and continue working on both clilley: ? florian: how can we depend on baselines without defining them? tantek: because baselines are shipping <TabAtkins> Tantek, *something* is shipping, which vaguely resembles what we typically call "baselines". That doesn't mean it's something we can write further features on top of. fantasai: so far both modules are just referencing 2.1 fantasai: once they both exist, cross referencing would of course be better clilley: if they both reference 2.1, just publish fantasai: that would be better than waiting for line-layout module imo clilley: much more eyes on it by publishing it <tantek> TabAtkins, flexbox would seem to be an existence disproof of that statement. ;) <TabAtkins> Flexbox is a minor violation of that statement. It only barely touches baselines. ^_^ (as a further feature on top of "baselines") <fantasai> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-line-grid/ <fantasai> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-inline/ fantasai: these are the two modules we are talking about glazou: are we done? astearns: I would like to start with fantasai's proposal shepazu: I second that glazou: but where? fantasai: ok to publish as its own module fantasai: and merge later glazou: summarize? dbaron: so I don't entirely understand what the line grid spec is saying dbaron: should we - if we're going to publish this can discuss it a few minutes florian: we reviewed it in Kyoto dbaron: the line-grid property seems global rather than an ancestor chain which seems weird dbaron: seems to imply a temporal things dbaron: would be better if it said ancestor dbaron: that should be clarified fantasai: agreed bert: seems overkill. should be ok to say this element defines a grid or not. bert: you don't need an identifier for that szilles: the reason you need identifier is you may have two grids going at the same time. one for figures and one for text bert: seems a bit far fetched bert: would like to see it based on ancestors first szilles: would prefer some discussion first clilley: we discussed at hamburg szilles: issues raised in Hamburg were not handled clilley: it is ready for FPWD clilley: if there are outstanding issues, then put them into the draft and publish tantek: agree with chris fantasai: it wasn't discussed in Hamburg, it was discussed in Kyoto 2.5 years ago glazou: we agree that we add known issue to the document? fantasai: only known issue: wanting to simplify to only use ancestors, not identifiers szilles: my issue, does it consider ruby? fantasai: ? glazou: why are we blocking this? RESOLVED: add astearns, fantasai as editors to line-grid module, published FPWD css-line-grid dbaron: I'd like to see that wording thing fixed. fantasai: ok I'll fix it BREAK 15 minutes CSS3 Color ---------- Scribe: sgalineau chris: to discuss the state of implementation and test suite fantasai: any testcases from anyone on currentColor? dbaron: I think I added one for the new behavior... <dbaron> I added contributors/mozilla/submitted/css3-transitions/currentcolor-animation-001.html fantasai: currentColor used to compute to the value of color fantasai: instead it now inherits dbaron: the test I added for another behavior derived from this change, namely animation implication dbaron: you'd need to use currentColor on background and test its inheritance <dbaron> contributors/mozilla/submitted/css3-color/t44-currentcolor-inherited-c.xht <dbaron> is a direct test for the erratum <fantasai> http://test.csswg.org/shepherd/testcase/t44-currentcolor-inherited-c/name/t44-currentcolor-inherited-c/ chrisl: is this test waiting for review? I am happy to review <fantasai> r=fantasai SimonSapin: Servo should implement the new behavior, but I haven’t tested it explicitly ACTION chris Review dbaron's test <trackbot> Created ACTION-610 <dbaron> http://test.csswg.org/shepherd/search/name/t44-currentColor/ <dbaron> the two plinss tests are for the old behavior fantasai: does anyone implement the new behavior? simonsapin: Servo...maybe? fantasai: does any impl pass David's test? <dbaron> http://test.csswg.org/shepherd/repository/5af75de6ab2b85d4233bd429e9897820c28180b4/contributors/mozilla/submitted/css3-color/t44-currentcolor-inherited-c.xht chris: Firefox does not. Rossen: no pass in IE either <smfr> no pass in WebKit <SimonSapin> After changing the test to not use CDATA (we don’t support XML), Servo passes the test <SimonSapin> WeasyPrint passes too Question of why the change. fantasai: we needed current color for an inheritable property: text-emphasis fantasai: we wanted the initial value to be something that said use the current color fantasai: so it was a matter of adding a new keyword or redefining currentColor fantasai: the change made no difference for current uses of the keyword fantasai: so we were able to make the change even though it was incompatible dirk: I don't think the SVG WG reached consensus fantasai: if we don't want to make this change we need a different keyword dbaron: in Gecko we have a second implementation of currentColor because we can't use the old currentColor SimonSapin: Servo and WeasyPrint pass this test fantasai: anyone implement text-emphasis? <crickets> <tantek> I am ok with this change to currentColor <tantek> this seems like a good improvement to currentColor <fantasai> SimonSapin, do Servo and WeasyPrint both pass the entire CSS3 Color test suite? <SimonSapin> fantasai, I don’t know, since that suite is not automated <SimonSapin> fantasai, they do pass color3*.json in https://github.com/SimonSapin/css-parsing-tests , but that’s only parsing
Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 09:11:48 UTC