RE: [mediaqueries4]Differentiating touchscreen+mouse from touchscreen only scenarios

>I think a less error-prone approach to separating them is to have separate boolean rules, eg. 'fine-pointer' and >'coarse-pointer'.  This is >also more extensible (eg. what if we decide there's another option than just coarse >and fine, 'both' would be pretty confusing <grin>).
You make a good point and I can both agree with it and align with this. 
If it goes this direction I think we should align hover to this model where they act as Boolean rules.

>We also haven't talked about 'hover' yet.  The spec language there still uses the "least capable primary >pointing device" >terminology.  Are you guys OK with that?
Hover right now we are okay with because of 'on-demand' assuming other UAs align with this and utilize this. 
I would prefer that hover acts very similar to pointer if we go with the above though.

Received on Monday, 28 April 2014 18:14:37 UTC